Long and Lean that's what our Dr. calls Alex. We took him to his 9 month well visit yesterday. He is now 29 inches tall (75%) and 17 lb 13 oz (10 %). He is healthy and on track developmentally. He had a polio shot and did very well. I was concerned that he wasn't eating enough since he is smaller than almost all of the babies I know. Now that he is officially weened it's been difficult to make sure he gets enough milk. I gave her a rundown of his diet and she said I am doing fine. Babies come in all sizes she reminded me. She also suggested some new finger foods to try. We gave him shredded cheese and chicken. He likes the cheese but isn't sure what he thinks of the chicken. Unfortunately I forgot the camera at home on the kitchen table so no pictures this time around.
Jason is feeling better however now I am the sick one. It's mainly in my chest but my ears have been clogged as well. Laying low and trying to get better. Hope you are having a great week.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Long and Lean
Posted by Mommy Shar at 1:19 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008
Look who's crawling
What a weekend! Jas and I got to go see the bucket list on Saturday while my niece Jillian and her future hubby clay watched Alex. We also had Grandma OwYoung's birthday brunch at Mimi's Cafe. Jason has come down with a nasty cold ( he is NEVER sick) oh and the most exciting part of our weekend...
Look whos' crawling! Jill and Clay helped him along on Saturday
while we were out on our date.
Posted by Mommy Shar at 9:55 AM 7 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Sitting Duck
So I go in to check on Alex today who was being very quiet after making a ruckus at first when he woke up from his nap.
I slowly open the door to his room expecting to see his little head bopping up from the crib rail to see me.
Instead I find a sitting duck or Alex in his duck sleepers sitting in the corner of his crib. He had managed to get out of his swaddled blanked and move to the other side of his crib and sit up, a first for him. I grabbed my camera from the den and snapped these pictures. Alex was nice enough to smile for me. He gets cuter everyday, is that possible?
Posted by Mommy Shar at 5:35 PM 4 comments
Labels: Alex
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Man I love this kid!
It's been a busy week!!
Sunday we had family dinner at my Mom's house. It was super yummy and as always good to see my family.
Monday I spent the day with friends going to lunch and to the new hospital to see my good friend's new baby ( stinkin cute I might add). Of course Alex had to poop while we were out and it got on everything he was wearing including his socks. YUCK!!
Tuesday I had my nail appointment and dinner with Jason's best friend Brandon who was in town.Today Alex and I went shopping at Target and then over to Osh Kosh to spend our $10.00 credit for a filled punch card. Boy was I furious to find out they have discontinued that program and would not except my card. I just filled it up at Christmas time and it states it's good until December of 2008. I will be calling their customer service line tomorrow for sure. Tonight Alex played in the laundry while Jason and I enjoyed a spaghetti dinner. He is so full of it lately getting into everything and attempting to crawl. He gave me a dozen wet kisses tonight. Man I love this kid!
The underwear bandit
Posted by Mommy Shar at 8:17 PM 3 comments
Labels: Alex
Friday, February 15, 2008
9 months old
My baby is 9 months old today. I can't believe that he has been out of me as long as he was in me, it's crazy. Here are a few cute shots from his 9 month photo shoot today.
I did receive some beautiful flowers from Jas but otherwise you could say it wasn't the great Valentines we have had. Jason took today off and we did errands and made cookies tonight. It was nice having him home. Have a great weekend!
My camera died after taking this blurry photo so I will try to get a better one tomorrow.
Posted by Mommy Shar at 8:55 PM 4 comments
Labels: Alex, car, valentines
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
The day of love, a day full of snow too! Happy Valentine's Day! I feel very lucky to have two very special Valentines this year. Alex has learned a few new tricks to keep Mom and
Dad entertained. He is learning to wave bye bye, gargle with his spit and rock back and forth on his knees. Anyday I think he will be crawling. We also play a new game where I will kiss his nose and then he will kiss mine back, it's so cute. Knock on wood, he has also been sleeping through the night but I will try and not to jinx that.
How long have you been together? Since March 17, 2000 so just a month short of 8 years
Who can sing better? Most definitely me, however that isn't saying much since neither of us sing well.
Who does the laundry? Both of us he puts it in the washer/dryer, I sort fold and put away
Who sleeps on the right side? Looking from the foot of the bed? Jas From the head of the bed, Me however we switched it up when I was prego.
Who mows the lawn? our expensive HOA
Who proposed? Jas but he didn't get a chance as to when, I was impatient.
Who has more siblings? Me
Posted by Mommy Shar at 9:57 AM 3 comments
Labels: Alex, Jason, Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
What's in your bag?
This is kind of fun and interesting. I was tagged by my friend Emily so here I go:
The Rules
1. You have to show your bag.
2. Show all the contents in the bag, no cleaning it out first.
3. Bag tag 5 more people.
This tag couldn't come at a better time. I cleaned my purse out on Monday because it was full of coupons and receipts; we are talking like 50 of them. Pathetic I know! It's pretty clean at the moment but that won't last for long. When I worked at SU! Jason would often find missing silverware in my purse, pretty gross huh? So what's in your bag?
I now tag:
Posted by Mommy Shar at 8:39 PM 2 comments
Labels: bag
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Our Weekend
How long should it take to change one diaper if two people are tag teaming? A minute or two right, well not at this house. It took Jason and I almost 30 minutes to get a diaper ( the 2nd one, I ripped the 1st) on Alex tonight. What a little stinker! He refused to stay on his back. I am still not sure how well the diaper is on but I guess it will have to work. That was the end of our crazy busy weekend. Here is what we did the rest of the weekend.
I picked up my niece Shae around 4:30 on Friday so she could have a sleepover at our house. We headed to Michaels to pick up stuff for her class and family Valentines & Valentine box. We then went to Harmons to do my weekly grocery shopping.
We met Jason at home where we made individual pizzas for dinner. Then we worked on Shae's class and family Valentines and made her Valentines box. By then it was late so we decided to put off valentine cookies until Saturday. While Shae cuddle on the couch with Jason I mixed up our frosting. Then Shae insisted we go up to our bed to cuddle and watch Bernstein Bears before going to bed.
Alex slept all night and woke us up at 7:45. We got up and I made Shae's request of almond poppy seed muffins for breakfast. After we put Alex down for a nap we baked and decorated valentine cookies. For all you locals I would highly recommend Harmons homemade sugar cookie dough. It's so yummy and worth the time it would have taken for me to mix up my own.
After getting ready and having lunch Shae, Alex and I headed up to my Mom's in Layton. The kids slept most of the way up so it was very peaceful. I dropped Shae off at my Mom's and headed over to my friend TyAnne's baby shower. She is my old college roommate. She is such a sweetheart; I am so excited for her. It was nice to see her and my childhood best friend Laura.
After the shower I went to dinner at Sizzler with my Mom, Sister and her girls. I don't go there often so having the cheese bread was a treat. The ride home was very long. Alex scream all the way home until we got off the exit then he fall asleep. I tried his binkey a few times, my cell phone music which usually helps but nothing worked. Jason met me in the garage and freaked out when he opened the door. Alex was drenched in sweat. Now don't think I am horrible mom, the heat wasn't on and he was cover with a blanket because of us going outside. Honestly I think he had a fever from teething because he had been drooling like a faucet all day and had a running nose. We had to give him a shower and wash his car seat cover ( it was wet too). I felt like a horrible mother!!!
Alex got up once last night and then slept in until 9:30 this morning it was nice. We met Jason's family for lunch at Goodwood BBQ and did a few errands.
What a weekend!! Is it bedtime yet?
Posted by Mommy Shar at 9:09 PM 2 comments
Labels: Alex, valentine's, weekend
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
So I recently called Alex a little seal but I think I have changed my mind. I now think of him as a beaver, yes I said a beaver. Let me explain, it is 3 am this morning when Alex is up in terrible pain teething and I decide to try and nurse him to calm him down while Jason gets his medicine. At first he refused to nurse but after a minute he gave in.
Any resemblance between the two? I guess not! Don't you love the mess one biscuit can make.
Posted by Mommy Shar at 11:21 AM 4 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Random Thoughts
So I've been a bad blogger this week. I have had so much going on with family drama and such. Today's post is full of my random thoughts from this week. Bare with me as I bounce from topic to topic.
We recieved more snow again today, nothing new around here. This winter has been crazy with snowstorms and there are more to come next week. As much as I hate the snow well at least driving in it, I have enjoyed watching it from the window with Alex. Today when I tried to show him the snow we couldn't see because the wind has covered his window in snow, it's crazy! I watched the neighbor children playing in the snow and building snowmen and for a split second I wished that Alex was old enough to take outside to play and then I snapped back to reality when I remembered I hate being cold.
Speaking of the cold good news, our heater is fixed. After running all over SLC valley for parts Jason was able to get our heater working Friday afternoon. I am so glad I have a handy husband, it saved us a couple hundred dollors.
I have had a week now to reflect on the passing of a sweet gentle man Gordon B. Hinckley the prophet of my church. He passed away last Sunday January 27th around 7 pm at his SLC apartment surrounded by family. He was an amazing example to live up to. I recall hearing him speak in person as a teenager and looked forward to hearing him again each general conference. Although I have been sad at the loss of such a wonderful man I couldn't help but be happy for him. He lost his sweet spouse of 67 years in 2004 and I was overcome with joy at the thought of the two of them meeting in heaven. What a marvoulous day it must of been!! He surely will be missed. They broadcasted his funeral on Saturday so I recorded it on my DVR to watch. It was a very nice memorial. The LDS church will annouce the next prophet tomorrow. Most likely it will be Thomas S. Monson whom I also adore.
Here are links to two videos about Hinckley worth watching.
Tribute to my Prophet
More wonderful thoughts about President Hinckley
He was often seen using his cane to wave to people. Over 10,000 people lined the street to the cemetry waving canes and white hankys.
Here he is in the days of 47 parade with his sweetheart Marjorie
We recieved great news today, our friends Heidi and Howie had their first baby yesterday. Archer arrived a healthy 9 lb 1 oz, we couldn't be more thrilled. He was born into a great family. We can't wait to meet him and introduce him to Alex. Now the question is who's next to be parents amoung Jason's HS friends?
Speaking of kids Alex is right on the verge of crawling. He was actually rocking back and forth a bit tonight oh his knees. He was a little stinker today pulling off his bib every other bite. It was so frustrating. He has gained weight in the past month and was teething again earlier this week. Poor kido, poor parent with no sleep. =)
Well I told you this would be a very random post. Hope you had a great weekend, good night!
Friday, February 1, 2008
oh the weather INSIDE is frightful!
Yup I said inside. Our heater went out. Alex woke us up very early to a freezing house. Jason took the day off and we will be venturing out in the snow soon to pick up a part. What a wonderful day for our heater to break. Hope you have a fabulous WARM weekend!
Posted by Mommy Shar at 8:33 AM 2 comments
Labels: heater