Thursday, February 28, 2008

Long and Lean

Long and Lean that's what our Dr. calls Alex. We took him to his 9 month well visit yesterday. He is now 29 inches tall (75%) and 17 lb 13 oz (10 %). He is healthy and on track developmentally. He had a polio shot and did very well. I was concerned that he wasn't eating enough since he is smaller than almost all of the babies I know. Now that he is officially weened it's been difficult to make sure he gets enough milk. I gave her a rundown of his diet and she said I am doing fine. Babies come in all sizes she reminded me. She also suggested some new finger foods to try. We gave him shredded cheese and chicken. He likes the cheese but isn't sure what he thinks of the chicken. Unfortunately I forgot the camera at home on the kitchen table so no pictures this time around.

Jason is feeling better however now I am the sick one. It's mainly in my chest but my ears have been clogged as well. Laying low and trying to get better. Hope you are having a great week.


emily said...

This blog Makes My Day. I blog tag you for an award. See my blog for an explanation!

Bennett Family said...

of course you're doing well! look at that baby!!!! he's beautiful. hope you feel better.

Mollie said...

I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well! I hope you get better quick!

Also, I think your little man has outgrown Harmonie! Sounds like he will be able to turn around in his car seat when he's one:o)

alisonwonderland said...

because of Emily's "Makes My Day" tag, i decided that it's time for me to de-lurk and leave a comment here. Emily is absolutely right: seeing Alex makes my day too!

feel better, okay? see you on Friday!