Saturday, January 8, 2011

Too Fast

Its been a nice day. We got up and headed to breakfast Jim's restaurant. I hadn't been there before and was very pleasantly surprised at how good my breakfast was. Alex ate 95% of his breakfast too which is a good sign. Then we went to Ikea and Bed, Bath & Beyond to do some shopping. Lily was so good the whole time and got many comments on how beautiful she is. Once we got back home I put her down for a nap. Whenever I go in to get her I always sing this song I made up it goes a little something like this.
" Ohhhh Lily, oh miss Lily, oh miss Lily, Lily Grace. You're my Lily, my pretty little Lily. Oh miss Lily, miss Lily, Lily Grace."
It's her sign that I am there to get her up and she is usually all smiles however today I came in to her music playing, she had turned it on. Her giraffe out of place, she was playing with it and this......

yup that is my baby girl sitting in her crib waiting for me. I didn't know she could sit up on her own. On no my Lily is growing up way too fast. Not sure I am ready for this.


Sara Tramp said...

oh my gosh! she is beautiful!!!