Thursday, January 15, 2009

20 months old going on 2

Alex is 20 months old, just shy of turning 2 and he knows it. Although he has been a fabulous sleeper lately he has been a pill during the day. Laura wanted to see his short "older" do. Here are some recent pictures I took of him after his latest haircut at cookie cutters which he royally hated. He is getting bigger and smarter everyday. I am amazed at what he understands and replies to. He is such a stinker one minute and bringing joy to me the next. I have also included a video of him getting a kick out of his Ducky. He has recently figured out how to pull the string himself and let me tell you it's pretty exciting. Have a great weekend, I will be back again soon with more posts to come. Will I ever catch up?


Dorothy & Tony said...

You have been playin' with your blog. Me Likey!!! Your little guy is too cute for words! I just love him! Thank you so much for your comment on my last post. You are such a wonderful and great friend. What is your schedule like???It's play time!!! Love! Love!!

going gordon said...

Your little boy is so darling. I am sure my kids would love to babysit him and return the favor of all the sitting you did at my house. My kids still talk about you (esp. Sam). Arianne was down her last week and told me "hi" from you. So, HI back. Hope all is well. You guys look great! How is your mom? Tell her hello too. We miss you as neighbors. The house is empty and for sale if you want to move back....

LBBlum said...

Your son is adorable!
Thanks for seeking me out and visiting my blog!

LBBlum said...

just hanging out cuz I love the music on your site!

Natalie said...

Love your new background. Alex looks adorable. I swear his haircut adds months to him. :) He looks to grown up. We miss you and hope to see you soon! Give Alex loves from the White girls!

* tilila and karter * said...

hey lady!! hahaha yes that was Karter's bday and yes there were a lot of people there.. Karter is a very loved young man!! there were about 75 there! it turned out really well and he got some cool things!! look at your little stud getting so stinkin big! can you believe they are both 2? i remember when we were both preggo and crazy!! haha.. i miss you alot too and we really need to get together!! hopefully sometime soon.. :) ttyl!