Friday, June 27, 2008

Oh what do you do in the summertime...

What a great song! It's crazy the songs that stick in your head from your childhood. Summer is officially here. To make the most of it Alex and I have spent the week swimming at the Draper pool, getting frozen yogurt with our Moms Group and enjoying the finest Red Vines one could buy. Here are just a few pictures we took. Have a great weekend!

Pictures from the pool. Thanks for spending the day with us Natalie, we had a great time. Thanks for taking some pictures for me Emily, you're awesome!

I had a hard time picking out just one or two red vines pictures to share so here is three or four.


Lisa said...

Oh my gosh he is so dang cute. Looks like you guys are having a great summmer!

Nat said...

Love the pictures of Alex!What do you say next time we bring a husband or at least a car?

Emily said...

what a cutie. I was bummed I missed playgroup; however, I had to take my husband to the yogurt stop to try. I'll definitely be returning. Hopefully we will make it to the next one.

Jillinda said...

Who doesn't love Red Vines? Twizzlers, no way, but yummy red vines have to be an all time favorite at our house.

Jillinda said...

I wish I could come to play group but both my kids nap in the afternoon, and they are so ornery if they don't get a nap. If you ever do one in the morning, let me know. Plus if you wouldn't mind I would love to come to one of your adult girls nights even though I can't come to play group.

Sami said...

Pick ME Pick ME! I want to go to the pool! After month end! Seriously, he is just the cutest thing. I love his smile.

Becca said...

Is he cute or what?!?! Sounds like you're having a fun summer!

Tiff Gutierrez said...

Sharee, he is soooo adorable! Dont you love "mixed" babies?! They are the best!